Easier symbol insertion

Copper Contributor

I am a Lean Professional using word and excel on a regular basis.  Working with formulas and statistics where i need to use symbols often is slowing me down considerably.


Can the symbol insertion process be made more efficient?  ie. if there was a breakaway menu that could contain favorites like a Visio template to one side where as you are typing you can simply click on a symbol and have it insert without having to open/search/insert/close EVERY time?

2 Replies


If you're on Windows, you can open the Character Map accessory that comes with Windows. It allows you to select one or more characters and copy them, ready to be pasted into Excel or any other application. You can easily switch back and forth between Character Map and Excel.


I do this to a limited extent, for example to add subscripts to defined names, as in

x₀ x₁ x₂
λ ϑ
x̅  x̂

which may be generated by setting up

_0  _1  _2

\lambda \theta

\bar \hat 

in autocorrect (Options/Proofing)  Note: I haven't actually set the last two up though I have used the resulting combinations as defined names.

If you use the equation editor on a regular basis, you may need to check that this does not conflict with the editor linear mode which uses the same combinations of characters.