Apr 28 2023 07:42 AM
Currently, I am working on creating a dynamic chart in Excel using the filter array function but my chart wouldn't adjust accordingly.
Below is a sample table I am using based on Leila's youtube channel.
Department | Name | Yearly Salary |
Finance | Gary Miller | 60270 |
Sales | James Willard | 39627 |
Finance | Richard Elliot | 29726 |
Sales | Robert Spear | 93668 |
Finance | Roger Mun | 134000 |
Sales | Paul Garza | 34808 |
Finance | Robert Marquez | 134468 |
Procurement | Natalie Porter | 45000 |
Finance | Kim West | 89500 |
Finance | Stevie Bridge | 21971 |
Procurement | Andre Cooper | 80000 |
Finance | Crystal Doyle | 185000 |
Procurement | Robert Musser | 50454 |
Finance | Daniel Garrett | 140000 |
Procurement | Ann Withers | 110000 |
Finance | Paul Hill | 68357 |
Using the Filter formula, I created another set of data that is dependent on a drop down list based on the Department. There are 3 departments from this example, with different number of people from each department. With the data from the filter function, I created a graph and supposedly, when I choose the department from the drop down list, my table would also adjust so there are no more white space or empty spaces in the chart.
But it doesn't seem to work. I don't know what I am doing wrong.
Sample broken chart when I choose Sales :
Apr 28 2023 08:31 AM
Apr 28 2023 09:04 AM
Thank you!
I used your file but it doesn't work on mine.
I am using Office 365 and am currently connected to my OneDrive. I wonder why it wouldn't work on my Excel.
Apr 28 2023 09:43 AM
I guess it depends on Channel on which you are. Dynamic resizing of charts was introduced few months ago, not sure on which channels it works now. I'm currently on
Alternatively you may use named dynamic ranges like here dynamic graph from filter function - Microsoft Community Hub
Apr 28 2023 09:47 AM
SolutionApr 28 2023 06:50 PM
Oh. So this explains it. My version is still at 2208. I will ask our IT dept about this. I tried to install latest version but it says I am up to date.
Thank you so much! This was driving me crazy for 2 days now, unable to get some sleep. Only for this to be the cause.
Apr 29 2023 02:35 AM
Yes, Semi-Annual Enterprise is far behind other channels. It is updated with new functionality twice per year, in Jan-Feb and Jun-Jul. You may check details here Release notes for Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel releases - Office release notes | Microsoft Learn. Thus on this channel is only to wait, some chances dynamic array charts will be added in couple of months. But not necessary, it could happens next year.
Of course, another option is to ask your IT update you on Current or Monthly Enterprise channel. Here is all depends on company policies. Main reasons could be loss of compatibility with other users and adding bit more headache to IT with support of users on different channels.
Aug 28 2023 04:01 PM
Oct 09 2023 05:24 AM
Dec 07 2023 11:00 AM
@MattBeck7 nope. Im now on Version 2309 Build 16.0.16827.20278 and still zero luck
Apr 28 2023 09:47 AM