drop down menu with different price list that reflect on other cells

Copper Contributor

hi all, I need help with the following plz


I have two items, with two different price list for each, I would like to create a drop down menu with the pricelist of each, so when I choose the particular item and then go to price code, I get a drop down menu with two pricelist, when I choose pricelist1, automatically the price of this item reflect under official price

apply the below :

in the item list when I choose the product ( rice or lemon )

rice - under price code: (drop down menu ) pricelist1, pricelist2 >>>>      the price of rice should reflect in the official price

lemon - under price code : (drop down menu ) pricelist1, pricelist2            >>>>      the price of lemon should reflect in the official price


how can I do that ?

1 Reply



Here's a demo file I created for somebody else with a similar question. The methods it uses, to create drop down (data validation) lists that change based on a prior selection from a prior drop down, can readily be deployed in your situation. They DO take advantage of Dynamic Array functions that are only available in the newest releases of Excel.