Does spell check exist in GCC web-based Excel?



Greetings community,


I have a customer who just transitioned from Google to O635. Until they replace their Chromebooks, they are using the cloud version of Excel to do field work. This version apparently does not have the spell check option enabled. What would be required to enable this option in their GOV tenant?


It doesn’t appear that spell checking is on in Excel for the web (at least not by default) in GCC tenants. I had someone else check their tenant and it was the same… no Check Spelling button on the Review tab.


Is this available, but has to be enabled in GCC?

Is this just not available in GCC?  If not, why or any suggested work arounds?

1 Reply


In general it's available, but based on comments here it's not available on GCC. Excel for web is not customizable, you have feature or you don't have it, period.

Not sure if workaround exists.