dividing table historical data

Copper Contributor

hello there, i know that the subject doesn't explain the problem, i'm sorry for that.

i have a historical dataset and it follows the timeframe starts 1/1/2000 and ends 31/12/2020, it's a stock data by the way.

i ask if there a way in excel to dividing this large data to 20 tables (each year observations in a table) and put each table in new worksheet; is that possible ??

2 Replies



Is it possible? Yes.

Is it a good idea? Maybe yes, more likely No.


Back up a bit here and tell us why you are thinking you might want to take a perfectly good table of data, data that spans 20 years, and break it apart.


Excel is very capable of doing analyses, parsing 20 years' worth of annual data on a given stock, or index, from a single database. (Other things as well; I just mention those since you describe it in passing as stock data.) Breaking it into 20 sheets might well be what we'd do if we were doing the analysis manually, on paper ledger sheets, but in many instances taking that mental paradigm and implementing it in the Excel environment would be interfering with some of the amazing capabilities of Excel (of computers in general).



Thank you so much for your response sir, I appreciate your words.
I know that excel provides a powerful tools to analysis this kind of data without break it apart and I don't have any reason to do this, I actually don't need it also, I'm already done my work on this data.
it just a question comes up to my mind