Displaying the date 01-01-21 as Jan

Copper Contributor

Hi all


Firstly, i'm so glad i found this forum and thank you for your help this far.


In cells I require the months of the year, Jan, Feb, March April etc. Without having to write it in words, is there a way i can write 01-01 and it appear as Jan and the same for the rest of the year?


5 Replies

Hi @Hannah_B142 ,

I guess you are searching for this. 

Unlucky my excel is in german, but I hope it helps you.




Best regards,


"First, No system is safe. Second, Aim for the impossible. Third no Backup, no Mercy" - Schnittlauch


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Ohne große einstellungen, vorschlag mit Formel :))

Monatsnamen per Excel-Formel aus einer Zahl erzeugen

Besonders einfach und schnell arbeiten Sie mit der TEXT-Funktion. Dabei überlassen Sie Excel die Umwandlung der Nummer in einen Monatsnamen. Verwenden Sie die folgende Formel, um zu einer Monatsnummer in Zelle B1 den passenden Monatsnamen als Text in Zelle B2 darzustellen:



Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ich Ihnen damit helfen konnte.


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Thank you but it didn't work for me.


Depends on your default Windows short date format Excel could automatically convert two digits date month into full date of the current year displacing in date month. For example, my default format is


When I enter digits as in the right it converts into the date as on the left


With other locale you may try 01/01 or 01.01

More about that is here

Excel works with two-digit year numbers - Office | Microsoft Docs

Change the date system, format, or two-digit year interpretation - Excel (microsoft.com)