data from web in mobile version of excel not updating

Copper Contributor

I currently use excel database to track my finances saved in One Drive and accessed through PC and mobile version. I created a table to update cryptocurrency prices from watchlist I shared from The table is set to update when I open as well as every 2 minutes. It works fine on PC version but mobile version only shows the last price updated on PC and never updates! Is there a way to fix the mobile version to update?  I had tried Cryptosheets before as well with same issue! Any help would be greatly appreciated!


PC Version Updating

PC Version UpdatingPC Version Updating


Mobile Version Not Updating

Mobile Version No UpdateMobile Version No Update


4 Replies

@dlang0302 Refreshing queries that connect to web resources is not (yet) supported by Excel for the web.

Thank you! @Riny_van_Eekelen but why do most apps support things like this. It was the mobile version that it doesn't support right?

@dlang0302 Can't tell why, but it's not available on mobile either. Am a desktop user myself and don't work with the Web or Mobile versions. Just reading what MS publications say about it.


The problem is in authentication accessing external sources. So far Excel for web allows to refresh only queries based on the source within same file and OData source with anonymous access. More is coming...