Dashboards excel

Copper Contributor
hello, i need help, i hope someone can help me. I want to create a dashboard with segments, and connections between tcd however I can't manage to build my database to connect them all,
in fact, I have sheets per month, in these sheets I have the CA in the ordinate and the places on the abscissa but ... I also have a sub "places" on the abscissa, so I need to extract for example: on the Paris site The CA of this sheet but also in Marseille, I do not know if I am clear ...
1 Reply


You said: hello,
I need help, I hope someone can help me. I want to create a dashboard with segments, and connections between tcd but I can not build my database to connect them all,
in fact, I have sheets per month, in these sheets I have the TURNOVER in ordinate and the places on the abscissa but... I also have a sub "places" on the abscissa, so I need to extract for example: on the Parisian site Le CA of this sheet but also in Marseille, I do not know if I am clear ...





No, you're not clear.
Usually, when someone shows something to someone else, they try to explain to the person what they are considering so that they are ready to get the help they need.


"I have the ca in order and the places on the abscissa but... I also have a sub "places" on the abscissa, "

1 What is a CA? If you were to describe what a CA is to someone who doesn't work with you, how would you describe that terminology (office jargon terminology doesn't go well with outsiders)

2 Describe what a submarine is. Under and underneath? Subcontract? sub-atomic? Subversive???

3 What is the abscissa? is it something to eat? is it a place? is it a device?


"so I need to extract for example: on the Parisian site Le CA from this sheet but also in Marseille, I do not know if I am clear..."

This one, I
understand it in a way: 1 Your office is in Paris, you still do not know what a CA is, maybe it is the headquarters of a company? but it's also in Marseille, so it can't be the head office since you can't have two head offices otherwise there will be power relations.

So why don't you just show yourself an example. I understand what a DBT is since I have already helped a French person with a DBT (PivotTable)

Show in your message what data set you're trying to extract from and where you'd like it to end.

one step at a time, solve a problem from the beginning in chronological order.


Vous pouvez utiliser Power query pour extraire des données d'un classeur dans un autre classeur/feuille de calcul :

Vous pouvez charger vos données interrogées dans le modèle de données :

Faites moi savoir si vous avez des questions


has a good day