Current Status Tracking

Copper Contributor

Hello Everyone, 


I am trying to get the status as per below mentioned conditions and dates. Could you suggest on how to get that. 

  1. If KOC date is on or before today then KOC Sent on time. Once the KOC date has crossed it should move to next stage
  2. If PRE Date is on or before today then Pre on time. Once the PRE date has crossed it should move to next stage
  3. If Scheduling in Progress is on or before today then Scheduled on time. Once the Scheduling in Progress has crossed it should move to next stage
  4. If FW is on or before today then FW on time. Once the FW has crossed it should move to next stage.
  5. If Complete Date is on or before today then Complete on time.


Due DateSent DateKOC DatePRE DateScheduling in ProgressFW DateComplete DateStatus
3 Replies


=IFS(KOC_Date<=TODAY(), "KOC Sent on Time", PRE_Date<=TODAY(), "PRE on Time", Scheduling_in_Progress<=TODAY(), "Scheduled on Time", FW_Date<=TODAY(), "FW on Time", Complete_Date<=TODAY(), "Complete on Time", TRUE, "None on Time/Other")

@hans Thanks for the response, however it is not working the logic is not going through the every condition mentioned I guess it stops where it finds the any condition true. What I am trying to build is that the status should change automatically based on the date. As of now the formula shows as only "KOC Sent On Time".


The formula does exactly what you asked in the first post, but apparently it is not what you wanted.

In which order should the formula check the conditions?