CUBEMEMBER not returns #N/A for something that doesn't exists in the model

Copper Contributor

I created a Pivot Table by getting data from Azure Analysis Services.
When I write a CUBEMEMBER with anything that doesn't exist in the tabular model, like "anything":
when I write something that exist in the tabular model it returns the value:
But when I write something that already existed in the past, but now doesn't exist anymore in the tabular model, it returns the "CESE"!!


It must returns "#N/A" as well!!

Tela excel.png

3 Replies


Do you mean it returns "CESE" in second case after refresh?

Hello @Sergei Baklan !

No, I mean that I make the 3 queries on the same sheet after getting data from Azure Analysis Services, so the data are refreshed, without the "Personnel Costs Adjustments" value:


=CUBEMEMBER("PRD-EDPModel"; "[FCT_FIN_CONSOLIDATED].[NM_REPORTED_RECURRENT].&[Personnel Costs Adjustments]") that doesn't exist on the tabular model, it returns "CESE", not "#N/A".

I notice that if I change & to ALL it works, but I didn't understand the logic


I would like to understand cause I need to justify this change that my customer must to do.
