Creating new sheet with rows from source sheet when ever value changes in column D of source sheet

Copper Contributor

I am having a sheet of 20k plus rows(Source Sheet). It is sorted on column "D". Basing on the values in column "D" I would like to create separate sheet for the rows having same values in column "D". i.e., a new sheet is created as and when a change in value is encountered.  I want to name the new sheet with relevant value from column "D".  Give me a macro please.

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The following code trowing run time error when it encountered 1st change in column "D" and stopping after 1st sheet is created. 

Sub copy_rows_to_sheets()

Dim firstrow, lastrow, r, torow As Integer
Dim fromsheet, tosheet As Worksheet
firstrow = 2
Set fromsheet = ActiveSheet
lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
For r = firstrow To lastrow
If fromsheet.Cells(r, "B") <> "" Then 'skip rows where column D is empty

On Error GoTo make_new_sheet
Set tosheet = Worksheets("" & fromsheet.Cells(r, "D"))
On Error GoTo 0
GoTo copy_row
Set tosheet = Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
tosheet.Name = fromsheet.Cells(r, "D")
torow = tosheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row + 1
fromsheet.Cells(r, 1).EntireRow.Copy

tosheet.Cells(torow, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End If
Next r
Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub


Someone Help please..