Oct 24 2022 04:45 AM
Hi, I have two tabs, one is the register and the other the template. I need a VBA to click a button on the register to use the template to create a new worksheet then create the folder to save the worksheet as new workbook in the newly created folder. (it is currently written for pdf which should be change to excel format)
See sample attached please if anyone can help.
Oct 24 2022 05:55 AM
Solution' Use the register to autfill the client sheet and the create folder and saving worksheet as Workbook in new folder
Public Sub SaveFinancialDataToPlace1()
' This procedure extracts information from specific cells in the active
' worksheet to determine where to save the [...?] data; it then
' determines where to save the worksheet data, and saves it there as
' a new workbook.
Const strPROCEDURE_NAME As String = "SaveFinancialDataToPlace1"
Const strBASE_PATH As String = _
"C:\Users\medcomp\Dropbox\OCEANLINK\OCEANLINKLAUNCH\Financials\Job Sheets"
Dim strWorksheetName As String
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strDirname As String 'the subdirectory name
Dim strFullDirName As String
Dim strPathname As String
Dim strResult As String
'---- Clear any prior message in the status bar.
Application.StatusBar = ""
'---- Capture here the identity of the active worksheet.
strWorksheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
'---- Retrieve values from the worksheet.
With Worksheets(strWorksheetName)
strDirname = .Range("C5").Value ' New directory name
strFilename = .Range("C5").Value & .Range("H3").Value & " " _
& .Range("C6").Text 'New file name
End With
If strDirname = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Cell C5 needs to contain a subdirectory name." _
, vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, strPROCEDURE_NAME)
Exit Sub
End If
' (More simple validation could be included here.) #ToDo
'---- Derive related values.
strFullDirName = strBASE_PATH & "\" & strDirname
strPathname = strFullDirName & "\" & strFilename
'---- Ensure that the desired destination directory exists.
strResult = MakeDirectoryAsNeeded(strFullDirName)
If strResult <> "Success" Then
Call MsgBox("Problem regarding the destination directory (" _
& strFullDirName & "):" & vbCrLf & strResult)
Exit Sub
End If
'---- Save the worksheet as a new workbook.
strResult = ExportWorksheetAsWorkbook(strWorksheetName, strPathname)
If strResult = "Success" Then
Application.StatusBar = "Worksheet " & strWorksheetName _
& " was successfully exported to a new workbook"
Application.StatusBar = "Processing error!"
Call MsgBox("Error while saving worksheet " & strWorksheetName _
& ":" & vbCrLf & strResult, vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly _
Exit Sub '(to be explicit)
End If
End Sub
Public Function MakeDirectoryAsNeeded(ByVal FullDirectoryName As String) _
As String
Dim strReturnValue As String
Dim in4ErrorCode As Long
Dim strErrorDescr As String
Dim in4Attribute As VbFileAttribute
'---- Check to see if the directory already exists.
On Error Resume Next '(It is likely that the next statment _
will cause a processing error.)
in4Attribute = GetAttr(FullDirectoryName)
in4ErrorCode = Err.Number
strErrorDescr = Err.Description
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case in4ErrorCode
Case 0
'...the file system object exists. Do a further check.
If in4Attribute And vbDirectory Then
'...the directory already exists. Treat that as a
' successful execution.
strReturnValue = "Success"
GoTo MakeDirAsNeeded_Exit
strReturnValue = "The file system object " _
& FullDirectoryName _
& " already exists as a regular file."
GoTo MakeDirAsNeeded_Exit
End If
Case 53
'...the directory does not exist. Continue.
Case Else
strReturnValue = strErrorDescr
GoTo MakeDirAsNeeded_Exit
End Select
'---- Attempt to create the directory; return the VBA-supplied
' error description if a processing error occurs.
On Error Resume Next
MkDir FullDirectoryName
in4ErrorCode = Err.Number
strErrorDescr = Err.Description
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case in4ErrorCode
Case 0 'no processing error
'...that code created the directory.
strReturnValue = "Success"
Case Else
strReturnValue = strErrorDescr
End Select
MakeDirectoryAsNeeded = strReturnValue
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function ExportWorksheetAsWorkbook(ByVal WorksheetName As String _
, ByVal ToPathname As String) As String
Dim strReturnValue As String
On Error GoTo ExportWkshtAsWorkbook_ErrHandler
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ToPathname, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
strReturnValue = "Success"
ExportWorksheetAsWorkbook = strReturnValue
Exit Function
strReturnValue = Err.Description
Resume ExportWkshtAsWorkbook_Exit
End Function
Oct 24 2022 07:20 AM
Jul 07 2023 06:34 AM - edited Jul 07 2023 06:49 AM
@HansVogelaar is there a way to change the link to accommodate multiple users from different locations to save to the save drive? If I set it to my name Jane, then Marc cant use it because he gets an error because it is pointing to my user.
C:\Users\Jane\Dropbox\OCEANLINK\OCEANLINKLAUNCH\Financials\Job Sheets
C:\Users\user?\Dropbox\OCEANLINK\OCEANLINKLAUNCH\Financials\Job Sheets
Jul 07 2023 07:50 AM
Change the lines
Const strBASE_PATH As String = _
"C:\Users\medcomp\Dropbox\OCEANLINK\OCEANLINKLAUNCH\Financials\Job Sheets"
Dim strBASE_PATH As String
strBASE_PATH = Environ("UserProfile") & _
"\Dropbox\OCEANLINK\OCEANLINKLAUNCH\Financials\Job Sheets"
Jul 10 2023 03:11 AM
Oct 24 2022 05:55 AM
Solution' Use the register to autfill the client sheet and the create folder and saving worksheet as Workbook in new folder
Public Sub SaveFinancialDataToPlace1()
' This procedure extracts information from specific cells in the active
' worksheet to determine where to save the [...?] data; it then
' determines where to save the worksheet data, and saves it there as
' a new workbook.
Const strPROCEDURE_NAME As String = "SaveFinancialDataToPlace1"
Const strBASE_PATH As String = _
"C:\Users\medcomp\Dropbox\OCEANLINK\OCEANLINKLAUNCH\Financials\Job Sheets"
Dim strWorksheetName As String
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strDirname As String 'the subdirectory name
Dim strFullDirName As String
Dim strPathname As String
Dim strResult As String
'---- Clear any prior message in the status bar.
Application.StatusBar = ""
'---- Capture here the identity of the active worksheet.
strWorksheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
'---- Retrieve values from the worksheet.
With Worksheets(strWorksheetName)
strDirname = .Range("C5").Value ' New directory name
strFilename = .Range("C5").Value & .Range("H3").Value & " " _
& .Range("C6").Text 'New file name
End With
If strDirname = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Cell C5 needs to contain a subdirectory name." _
, vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, strPROCEDURE_NAME)
Exit Sub
End If
' (More simple validation could be included here.) #ToDo
'---- Derive related values.
strFullDirName = strBASE_PATH & "\" & strDirname
strPathname = strFullDirName & "\" & strFilename
'---- Ensure that the desired destination directory exists.
strResult = MakeDirectoryAsNeeded(strFullDirName)
If strResult <> "Success" Then
Call MsgBox("Problem regarding the destination directory (" _
& strFullDirName & "):" & vbCrLf & strResult)
Exit Sub
End If
'---- Save the worksheet as a new workbook.
strResult = ExportWorksheetAsWorkbook(strWorksheetName, strPathname)
If strResult = "Success" Then
Application.StatusBar = "Worksheet " & strWorksheetName _
& " was successfully exported to a new workbook"
Application.StatusBar = "Processing error!"
Call MsgBox("Error while saving worksheet " & strWorksheetName _
& ":" & vbCrLf & strResult, vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly _
Exit Sub '(to be explicit)
End If
End Sub
Public Function MakeDirectoryAsNeeded(ByVal FullDirectoryName As String) _
As String
Dim strReturnValue As String
Dim in4ErrorCode As Long
Dim strErrorDescr As String
Dim in4Attribute As VbFileAttribute
'---- Check to see if the directory already exists.
On Error Resume Next '(It is likely that the next statment _
will cause a processing error.)
in4Attribute = GetAttr(FullDirectoryName)
in4ErrorCode = Err.Number
strErrorDescr = Err.Description
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case in4ErrorCode
Case 0
'...the file system object exists. Do a further check.
If in4Attribute And vbDirectory Then
'...the directory already exists. Treat that as a
' successful execution.
strReturnValue = "Success"
GoTo MakeDirAsNeeded_Exit
strReturnValue = "The file system object " _
& FullDirectoryName _
& " already exists as a regular file."
GoTo MakeDirAsNeeded_Exit
End If
Case 53
'...the directory does not exist. Continue.
Case Else
strReturnValue = strErrorDescr
GoTo MakeDirAsNeeded_Exit
End Select
'---- Attempt to create the directory; return the VBA-supplied
' error description if a processing error occurs.
On Error Resume Next
MkDir FullDirectoryName
in4ErrorCode = Err.Number
strErrorDescr = Err.Description
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case in4ErrorCode
Case 0 'no processing error
'...that code created the directory.
strReturnValue = "Success"
Case Else
strReturnValue = strErrorDescr
End Select
MakeDirectoryAsNeeded = strReturnValue
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function ExportWorksheetAsWorkbook(ByVal WorksheetName As String _
, ByVal ToPathname As String) As String
Dim strReturnValue As String
On Error GoTo ExportWkshtAsWorkbook_ErrHandler
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ToPathname, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
strReturnValue = "Success"
ExportWorksheetAsWorkbook = strReturnValue
Exit Function
strReturnValue = Err.Description
Resume ExportWkshtAsWorkbook_Exit
End Function