COUNTIF #VALUE! with open work books

Copper Contributor

I am having trouble writing a "COUNTIF" equation and have tried a couple different methods.


My goal/the problem:

I have 2 files, both open, and need to reference a cell in file 1 (a number) against an output in a list of cells in file 2 (a function that spits out a number).


For instance:  file one, cell A3, says "1" and I write a function to see if file 2, cells A1-A28 contain any cell with the number "1" in it.   It looks like this: =COUNTIF([40_REF]3 3-30!$A$1:$A$28,A1).  Tinkering with it I either get "#VALUE!" or a popup saying that it looks like I have an equation, and I should fix it so it doesn't look like an equation.


The name of the file I am trying to reference is titled "40 REF" and the sheet in that workbook is titled "E 3-30".  The cells referenced are A1:A28.


40 REF is a collection of equations pulling references from other open work books.


I also tried some different versions using =IF(COUNTIF) per someones recommendation.  I may be going about this all wrong, I did it correctly last June, but can't find the resources to do it again and no longer have access to the original file to see the formula structure.



2 Replies




=COUNTIF('[40_REF.xlsx]3 3-30'!$A$1:$A$28,A1)


Note the single quotes (apostrophes) around the workbook name/worksheet name combo, and the extension of the filename.

Actually it worked, you are the man. I just have to type it correctly.