Copy specific cell to new worksheet but keep original cell value

Brass Contributor

Trying to copy a specific cell(s) from sheet 1 to sheet 2 when a value in said cell changes.


part 1.

sheet1 cell B2


sheet1 cell E2

Value is 10


Copies value from sheet1 cell B2 and sheet1 cell E2 to worksheet2 cell B2 and E2

part 2.

Sheet1 cell B2

Value changes to 2

sheet1 cell E2

Value is 20

copies new value from sheet1 cell B2 and E2 to sheet2 but moves new value down 1 cell to B3 and E3 but also leaving sheet2 cell B2 and cell E2 as is.

So everytime the value of sheet1 B2 and E2 changes, it copies that new changes to sheet2 but moves the new values down one row.

Thank You for any help.




10 Replies



Please test the solution in the attached file.

It's a fairly good solution because you need to press a button to move the new records to the second sheet.

That works awsome! Thank you.

Now. One more question. ( I didn't want to make things too complicated for myself until I understood what you did with this.)
How would you make it so that ANY cell in columns B and E change could it do the same thing?


Also, I can't seem to get this to work if I change the sheet names. I've tried using Sh4 ( in place of Sh2) but that doesn't work.
I've tried changing sh1 to a name and sh2 to a name ( I have multiple tabs with different names) but that doesn't work either. It works great in your spreadsheet buy not mine. 



The solution is powered by this code:

Sub test()
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim r1, r2 As Integer

r1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sh2.Range("B:B"))
r2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sh2.Range("E:E"))

Sh2.Range("B1").Offset(r1).Value = Sh1.Range("B2").Value
Sh2.Range("E1").Offset(r2).Value = Sh1.Range("E2").Value

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub



This is the explanation of the code (line by line):


To prevent any error message from appearing

On Error Resume Next


To turn off the screen updates and flickers that can appear while the code is running

Application.ScreenUpdating = False


To count the numbers of the non-blanks cells in column B of the sheet 2 and assign it to the variable r1

r1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sh2.Range("B:B"))


To count the numbers of the non-blanks cells in column E of the sheet 2 and assign it to the variable r2

r2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sh2.Range("E:E"))


The below code sets the focus on the cell B1 of the Sheet 2, and go down (offset) by the number of the non-blanks cells in column B of the Sheet 2, and then it assigns the value of the cell B2 of the sheet 1 to the new cell in column B of the Sheet 2.
NOTE: The number the non-blanks cells is already assigned to the variable r1, so I passed this variable to the Offset function: Offset(r1).

Sh2.Range("B1").Offset(r1).Value = Sh1.Range("B2").Value


This is the same code above but for the column E of the Sheet 2

Sh2.Range("E1").Offset(r2).Value = Sh1.Range("E2").Value


To activate the Sheet 2



To select the last filled cell in column E of the Sheet2 after the process is finished

NOTE: This code is bonus and you can delete it!



These are the last two lines which are used to restore the default status of the screen updating and error handling

 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
On Error GoTo 0


I hope this is clear enough

Thank you so much. I figured out what I was doing wrong so I have the original formula working.


I had to change that to: Sheets("the name of my sheet").Range


Now I'll look over what you just posted and get back to you.
I really appreciate the help.


Is it simply to make a change so that ANY value that is changed in column B and column E would do the same?

Do you mean that you want to get rid of using the button and make this code triggers in case if the cell B2 or E2 of the Sheet 1 is changed?


If so, please right-click the Sheet 1 tab and choose View Code, and then copy and paste this code there:

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2, E2")) Is Nothing Then

Dim r1, r2 As Integer

r1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sh2.Range("B:B"))
r2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sh2.Range("E:E"))

Sh2.Range("B1").Offset(r1).Value = Sh1.Range("B2").Value
Sh2.Range("E1").Offset(r2).Value = Sh1.Range("E2").Value

End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

well I did remove the button and got it to work automatically and it works great!
But how difficult would it be to make it so on any of the "B" columns it would do the same thing? Not just B2 and E2? So any time I change any value in columns "B" or "E" it would still work the same?
basically do it's code no matter what cell in column "B" get's changed.


@hopr37 hotmail wrote:

well I did remove the button and got it to work automatically and it works great!
But how difficult would it be to make it so on any of the "B" columns it would do the same thing? Not just B2 and E2? So any time I change any value in columns "B" or "E" it would still work the same?
basically do it's code no matter what cell in column "B" get's changed.


In this case, please test this code:

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B:B, E:E")) Is Nothing Then

Dim r1, r2 As Integer

r1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sh2.Range("B:B"))
r2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sh2.Range("E:E"))

Sh2.Range("B1").Offset(r1).Value = Sh1.Range("B" & Target.Row).Value
Sh2.Range("E1").Offset(r2).Value = Sh1.Range("E" & Target.Row).Value

End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub 

That works awesome!

Thank you so much!


Hi @Haytham Amairah! I found this to be super helpful, but I want to do this for multiple columns (D to BB). I'm new to VBA, so I'm not sure how to iterate through columns. Can you offer some pointers? Thanks in advance!

sir above code work perfectly when cell was updated manually but if cell upadated due to formula result it is not working please sir help me if possible