Copy row from one sheet to another based on cell

Copper Contributor



I'm trying get rows from table 1 pasted into correct sheet based on cell value.

I've attached an example of what I'm trying to have automated.


You'll see that there are 3 x sheets. 

If on 'overall sheet' column 'O' has FEED 1, I would like for that row to be pasted into 'FEED 1' sheet & 'FEED 2' into Feed 2 sheet.


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated !!




3 Replies



If you have the most recent version of Excel, the FILTER function will do what you want. If you don't have it, I recommend upgrading.


Here's a video that will help you as well:


Learn everything about our brand-new Dynamic Arrays and how you can use them to build advanced spreadsheets. Arrays (CSE) have long been present in Excel, but were limited to power users. With Dynamic Arrays we have rebuilt the calc engine, effectively turning all formulas into array formulas ...

@Nelz_ Hi, Here you go. I have written a small VBA program to achieve this task. If it is resolved your query, can you please like rate as best answer?


Sorry I had put up a rough temp with dummy names. I have about 66 different 'Place' & specific company names I need to use for 'Feed'.

How would I go about adjusting in VBA program you set? Other than that, the workbook is exactly what I need
