Copy information from one sheet to another in a way that still lines up despite missing or extra lin

Copper Contributor


I have 2 sheets of data that are inventory sheets. One sheet is updated and current with what Should be in our inventory, The other sheet has an out-dated list of what Should be in our inventory.


I have already counted the physical amount of each item on the old list but as it is incomplete this is no good. 


I want to transfer all the information of the items I have already counted to the New list without going line by line. A conventional copy and paste will not work because the new list has a different amount of line items as well as sorted slightly differently so the information will not match up. 


Each line item has a part number, a description, and a quantity. I was thinking about using an If formula to where "If the part number on sheet 1(old) matches the part number on sheet 2(new), then the value of physical count is the same on sheet 2(new) as it is on sheet 1(old)" but I cannot figure it out or how to do it.


Is there a way to do this using some kind of formula between the two sheets?

1 Reply



Indeed there is a way. I recommend that you research the VLOOKUP function. You will use the unique part number as the field to search for between the two sheets. Here's a good instructional website on the use of the VLOOKUP function...using its guidance you should be able to figure out how to employ the function. Feel free to come back if you seek additional help.

You could also search for YouTube videos on the VLOOKUP function...