copy data from one sheet to another

Copper Contributor

Question..I have a sheet with multiple information on one sheet and I need to separate the data onto other sheets but don't want to have to copy and paste 139 times.  Any suggestions?? How to do this?? 

I need each of these on one sheet..and there are at least 139 of them and who ever typed it put all one one and i need them separated any way to do this????? 

Bus #1  10/30/2017
Contractor: XXXX
Schools Served:XXXXX
1st Run33.24 1st Run5.55
To Next Route0.97 To Next Route0.42
2nd Run4.87 2nd Run32.53
To 1st Stop3.8 To 1st School4.5
Total:42.88 Total:43
 Contract Mileage85.88
Time Between Routes 
A.M.  P.M. 
3 Replies

Ms Tiffany

I am not an Excel GURU - but I learned from this Forum many things and below is what I have learned so far from the assistance of many gracious men of this forum.

I made a SUB (pls see below) for you to test. (always make a backup copy of your data - just in case).

copy your data to another workbook and try it. 

I am assuming that all the records has 15 rows with columns A to E.

and there is no gap between rows of records.


In case the following does not help, there are many MVP's here to help you..



Sub AddSheetAndCopy()
Dim i As Long, arow As Long, erow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
arow = 1
erow = 15
For i = 1 To 139
Range(("A" & arow) & ":" & ("E" & erow)).Copy
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) = "Newsheet" & Trim(Str(i))
arow = arow + 15
erow = erow + 15
Next i
End Sub


I think this is a better SUB - can be any number of data other than 139


Sub AddSheetAndCopy()
Dim i As Long, arow As Long, erow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
With ActiveSheet
Lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
End With
Lastrow = Lastrow / 15
arow = 1
erow = 15
For i = 1 To Lastrow
Range(("A" & arow) & ":" & ("E" & erow)).Copy
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) = "Newsheet" & Trim(Str(i))
arow = arow + 15
erow = erow + 15
Next i
End Sub


Ms. Tiffany

pls find as attached a sample for you to test..
