#CONNECT! Error - Stockhistory down?

Copper Contributor

Is anyone else having this issue with stockhistory? I am receiving the #CONNECT! error randomly, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I can change the time period, shorter or longer, and it just seems random when it decides to retrieve the data or not

32 Replies
Likely related to bulky requests? Though this has never been an issue before



I am getting the same error.  It started this morning.  Stockhistory loads for some stock (e.g., TSLA, CRWD) but not for others (e.g., AAPL, NVDA).  I think this has happened before and was fixed after a couple of days.

Update on my side - looks to be excel deliberately throttling the data, only workaround is to stagger the formulas and/or to delete the cell with the formula in and re-paste it in.

So now will have to make some vba to check if the #CONNECT! error is in the cell, and if true, will have to delete the formula in the cell and repaste it in until it finally provides the data. Unless of course this is a temporary issue
about a third of a list of 60+ stocks are affected. Close the workbook and reopen it, a different batch from the same list is affected. Has been like that since saturday morning, and continues today, Sunday.

Stockhistory is definitely not working. I update every Saturday. It was fine Aug 10, 2024, but not Aug 17, Hope they fix it soon.

Anyone else getting this error message? Microsoft is going to force me to get another data feed. This is ridiculous. 



I discovered if I open the workbook and wait 5 or 10 minutes, eventually formulas with STOCKHISTORY(...) will randomly update. It takes a lot of patience.



The CONNECT errors seem to be dependent on the date used. I experimented with date changes and found that some Connect errors go away and new ones show up. Almost looks like a sparse matrix of data for a given stock. It should not be date dependent of course.

Same issue.  Started Friday night.  Every time I reopen the file a different set of fund/date combinations have the error.  Contacted Microsoft today and they claimed it was a server issue on their side and that they are aware of it and are working it.  No expected date of completion though….

#connect is returned arbitrarily in a list of 60 stocks. Sometimes more than a third of the stocks fail with #connect. After closing and reopening the workbook a different selectiopn of stocks fail. This has been occuring on every attempt since 16th August. It was also experienced during the previous two weeks but to a much lesser extent.

@rifhickman I have the same issue (on the 20th).  Changing the date range fixes the issue some of the time, but only temporarily.

I use my stock list to generate 5 year monthly prices, and the same list for 13 weeks last close and 5 days last close. The #connect occurs arbitrarily across all 3 lists. Any single stock has the #connect in any, and sometimes all the columns. It is almost certainly not in the excel arena

@willsportfolios facing same issue Getting #connect error for random stock. I used to load 20 days low for 500 stocks but since last week it started giving #connect error

@rifhickman Everyone on this thread needs to click on Help in Excel and contact Microsoft via chat to create a ticket.  It seems Microsoft isn't addressing this.  If enough people express concern, it just might get addressed.  When I did this, they told me it was a server issue on their end.  That was Sunday.  This has been happening since Friday evening.

Almost a week from the first occurence of the issue, and today I got 100% data returned (63 stocks out of 63, with 5 diffrent date ranges and data selections)

@rifhickman How did you manage to get it fixed? My excel is still not pulling data for more than 50% of the stocks i'm using stockhistory on.

@adpathania1 mine finally returned all values yesterday afternoon as well.  You might try logging out of 365, rebooting, then logging back in.  Worked for me.  

@dab662430 just tried logging out, resetting the computer, and logging back into 365. Same problems occurred. I was able to get some data to load but dates would be way out of order. Seems like it’s a data problem on their end.