Conditional Formatting based on the date of another column

Copper Contributor



Not sure if this is possible.. I have a rule that changes the due date (column M) text to bold red text if it is passed today's date (see rule below, Cell Value <=TODAY()), this rule works perfectly fine.

But I wanted to add another rule that changes the due date (column M) back to regular black text if the received column (column N) is filled out. I just want to keep track of what is due. And I would like the rule to cover the whole column, not just a certain range. 

Below is what I have gotten so far, but it is not working like it should...........any advice??




3 Replies


Could you try something like =ISNUMBER(N2), with formatting back to automatic?

Hi @Anna-ChrystieL 


If this reflects what you meant:



2nd CF Rule with Formula:




Corresponding sample attached + I would highly recommend you format your data as Table to avoid applying CF rules to whole columns (> 1M rows). When you add new rows(s) at the bottom of an existing Table, the corresponding Applies to range is auto. adjusted by Excel 🙂 - Try it in the attached file



A better option is to set a single CF rule that formats values in Column M to Red+Bold only

IF value in Column M < TODAY() and corresponding value in Column N is not a Number. This translates as:

=AND( M2 < TODAY(), NOT( ISNUMBER($N2) ) )
