Conditional Formating copy VBA

Copper Contributor

I can't figure out how to copy conditional formatting rules
the task is to copy a rule (not a cell format, but a rule) from, for example, a file.xlsx (not necessarily this type, any format that supports storing conditional formatting rules is interested in)
and apply it to a previously opened workbook containing data ...
and all this must be done on VBA in excel 2016 (to support versions starting from 2016)
without connecting third-party libraries or using third-party applications (to avoid communicating with permissions)

everything I could find doesn't satisfy at least one concept


Please help

10 Replies


Copying only conditional formatting would be complicated.

Copying all formatting, including conditional formatting, is doable - copy the source range and paste special with xlPasteFormats to the target range. But if you have rules that refer to other cells than the ones being formatted, the result might be unpredictable.


I would like you to understand. there are no values in the cells of the file in which the rule is stored - conditional formatting in this case cannot be picked up by the Range method or any other method applicable to the cells


Formatting (including conditional formatting) can be copied/pasted regardless of whether a cell contains a value (or formula) or not...


could you give an example of the code
accessing the file.xltx
copying a rule
from there and applying it to a previously opened sheet of the book.xlsm

the fact is that I have already tried, either I don't know something, or you have a different version, not 2016 excel


From which sheet and which range in file.xltx do you want to copy the formatting to which sheet and which range in book.xlsm?

From what sheet
and in what range
is all
in the file.xlsx do you want to copy

formatting to which sheet
and in what range

is all
in book.xlsm?

in .xltx I have a rule that applies to the entire sheet

XML code from .xltx
- <conditionalFormatting sqref="A1:XFD1048576">
- <cfRule priority="1" dxfId="0" type="expression">


The macro could look like this:

Sub CopyFormatting()
    Workbooks("book.xlsm").Worksheets(1).Cells.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
End Sub
Run-time error #("RTE" on next)
Class not registered
When add paths

Without paths
Subscript out of range

if I use the names of windows
it works
thank you, at least I understood that I should try to test for search

New question
how to get the names of windows,
the active document, and the template that opened later
, the fact is that excel changes the name of the window to another one... the template file is 0.xltx and the window is called 01 (without extension)


If the .xlsm file is the one that contains the macro, and the file created from the template is the active workbook when you run the macro:

Sub CopyFormatting()
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Cells.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
End Sub

ThisWorkbook call my add-in (.xlam)
the macro is run from the add-in

as I understand it, when I open the template file, it will become active

we need to get back to the file.xlsm somehow



it's magical! .Name works the way it was supposed
to be solved through it

thank you so much for your help...
I don't understand how it works, but I figured out how to dig into the names of windows only after your answer... non-trivial, I'm used to using the full name (path+name+extension)