Combining IF, AND and OR functions - need some guidance

Brass Contributor

Hi - trying to combine some functions to produce a result. Having no luck. Attached is a spreadsheet.


I need to determine if a Pain Score at either a Screening Visit or a Baseline Visit is an eligible score. The score must be between 40 and 80 and must have occurred at the Screening Visit or the Baseline Visit. It's either Eligible (40<=PAIN SCORE<=80) or it's Ineligible.


However, there are other visits too where these Pain Scores are obtained. Those should be Not Applicable because they have nothing to do with eligibility. 


I feel like I'm entering the right formula, but I get errors - either too many arguments or missing parenthesis.


Here is the formula I'm trying (A = Visit Name and B = Pain Score):  '=IF(OR(A1="Screening",A1="Baseline"),AND(B1>39,B1<81),"Eligible",if(and(B1<40,B1>80),"Not eligible","Not applicable"))


Any guidance for me?


Many thanks!



3 Replies
best response confirmed by HansVogelaar (MVP)


Here's the formula:

=IF(OR(B26="Screening", B26="Baseline"), IF(AND(C26>=40, C26<=80), "Eligible", "Not Eligible"), "Not Applicable")




Thank you @Rodrigo_. This worked perfectly! Upon studying your formula, I suddenly saw my errors. Your answer taught me something about these functions. Thanks!
Thank you, @michalja44d - I very much appreciate your detailed reply!! This explains it in clear terms - I wasn't able to find this while searching the net the other day.
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by HansVogelaar (MVP)


Here's the formula:

=IF(OR(B26="Screening", B26="Baseline"), IF(AND(C26>=40, C26<=80), "Eligible", "Not Eligible"), "Not Applicable")




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