column values

Copper Contributor

I have a column full of values and I need the equation or formula for each value to equal the next value or a few values ahead.

3 Replies


I’m not sure what you mean by the equation or formula for each value.

Can you give me an example of your column and what you want to achieve?


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An equation for example A1:A11 to equal A13


Use the SUM function to sum numbers in a range


You can use the following formula in Excel to sum A1:A11 and put the result in A13: =SUM(A1:A11)

You can then enter this formula in cell A13 and press Enter to get the total sum of A1:A11 in cell A13.


I hope this helps!


I also recommend, with your permission, to read this link. It makes it easier for you to focus on your topic more precisely and at the same time you can get a faster and more accurate solution proposal.

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