Circular reference error when opening Excel file

Copper Contributor


Hello Everyone,


I'm experiencing a wierd error regarding a circular reference, the problem is it happens for EVERY excel file I open. Meaning it's not something particular in the a file.


The translation of the error is:

"To Micosoft Excel there is no option to calculate a formula. A Circular reference occur in an open file, but there is no option to create a list of circular references. Try and edit the last formula you entered or remove it by using the function Cancel."

I can retrieve the last formula I did because it's a file I just opened and didn't do anything.

Nor can't find and cancel option to cancel the error.


Can someone help me ?


Thanks in advcance,


2 Replies

Hello @Nir_Bresler,


A circular reference error occurs when you reference the current cell in your formula. Refer to the following to learn more:

Hello @PReagan 


I wish it would that simple :)


As written in my prevous post,

I don't see any Circular Refrences list, it's empty.

