Charts with multiple series

Copper Contributor

I'm on a version of Excel that seems to be nowhere to be found anywhere else on the internet, so I haven't found any meaningful help so far. I need to create a chart with 3 series out of a single set of data. I haven't been able to figure out how to properly make a chart how I want. In the attached image, I have 2 charts. I need to make the top one look like the bottom one and I don't have the SLIGHTEST idea how to do it. I do need to keep the data in 3 separate series, unless there is a way to make a trendline for a specific portion of a single series. Any help is appreciated.Screenshot 2024-09-14 010942.png

3 Replies


Copy/paste three data sources into one scatter chart will confuse Excel and the axes get switched around with no option to change them back. The result is like in the colourful chart in the bottom left-hand corner of your picture.


You can set up the data in two columns (X,Y), but you need to manually specify each of the series in the "Select data" window. The attached file contains a scatter chart from three series how you want it. I've created this on a Mac but believe you are on a PC, so I'll refrain from adding screen shots. Open the file and see how the data source is broken into 3 series, each with their own trend line.

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