Chart selection of data changes everytime I reopen the file

Copper Contributor

Hi there, I'm using a lot of series within excel charts for a while and somehow the past two weeks every time i reopen my excel file the charts aren't as I left them. Some series get shorter while others maintain their original size messing everything up. The series wich get shorter aren't yet fullfilled. Wich means not all the cells are filled because I uptade them weekly up to week 52. I tried to fill them with zeros but the problem stood.


I've tried going to:

  • file > options > advanced > chart but nothing helped


Any ideas how to solve this problem?



2 Replies
It's difficult to recommend a solution without knowing the data source for your charts. The behavior you're describing sounds like the data series are based on old school dynamic named ranges (OFFSET/COUNTA). What is the data source for your charts?

The charts pick data from manually updated tables. Some of the tables have information wich are disposed horizontaly other verticaly (Time [weeks] in somes is horizontal, others vertical).

But I managed to solve it by changing the series order. The first series were the ones that the information was horizontal and also the ones wich I used to filter. I realized that the selection of data was being cut by the last filter that i used (I was cutting off weeks 44 to 52, those were the weeks that disappeared when i reopened the file). Changing the order is working for now at least.

Thank you for your attention.