Jul 29 2024 10:09 AM
I wanted to change the date format in a column. There are a few issues; first is that presently, the column that contains dates, also has a time in each entry. So, I do not know how to remove the times, if they can be at all. Second, is that the date is presently not showing as yyyy-mm-dd. I followed the prompts to changing them to that, however it di not happen (!?) Is it because there is a time involved? There are 5000 rows, so I cannot do this manually. All suggestions and definitely a walk through would be awesome. Thank you.
Jul 29 2024 10:55 AM
Jul 29 2024 12:01 PM
@ChReed ah, I can give that a go. What about Excel not reformatting the column date? Do you think it is because of the time being in the column?
Jul 29 2024 01:14 PM
Jul 30 2024 09:12 AM
Most probably you have texts which looks like dates. Not dates which in Excel are actually numbers.
Applying date (or number) format to text won't convert values to dates, it still will be text.
If without time, you have the text like "30/07/2024" you need to convert it first with Text to Columns (or by formula) into the date, next apply desired date format.
If text where date with time, "30/07/2024 2:30PM" first date shall be separated by formula, e.g. =LEFT(A1, FIND(" ",A1)-1 ).
If you have datetime (not text), e.g. 2024-07-30 14:30, you may apply any date format to show only the date, but value still will be datetime.
If not only to show, but have dater value without time, that by formula, e.g. =INT(A1). Applying desired date format to the result.