Copper Contributor

I use both excel and access.  After a recent reload of it I was VERY dissapointed in the changes in excel  Things that I used to be able to do automatically, one click and its done. Now If you can figure them out you need a PHD in computer software.  Why change that was user friendly in intuitive to use, so complicated. IE used to be able to format a series of cells by just highlighting them and clicking on drop down and format options. Go ahead and explain how you do it now.  Coping formulas to a column before just select corner of last cell and drag to desired  cells. CAN'T DO IT NOW.  Come up with a box about it will automically total column or some other nonsense.  I have an access DB I have kept for several years,  and I don't even want to open it up because I don't want your so called improvements to screw it up also.  DON'T FIX IF ITS NOT BROKEN, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

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