Cell names to numbers Excel

Copper Contributor

Hi There. I'm having a drop down list of 5 names to be selected by the user and depending on the selection there is ONE number assigned to that name, which is then used in further calculations. I m a newby and cannot see how to do this.   Eg: Drop has selectin like:  galv iron,  tray etc. The galv iron will have 1.3 assigned to it and Tray 1.5 etc.   Have tried several formulae like V Lookup and =IF but cannot see how to carry the logic. Any help please?

1 Reply

@Chris52 Perhaps the attached file will point you in the right direction. I created a table that serves both as the source for the dropdown and looking up of the value corresponding to the selection made. I used VLOOKUP, but could also have used INDEX and MATCH or the newer XLOOKUP function.