Can you have IF functions produce blank cells which can be written in without removing the IF?

Copper Contributor

I'm trying to create a table which copies rows if the ID number is equal and to do that I've used a series of if functions in each column to copy the data from the original row of the same ID. One issue i have is if a new set of variables need to be put in the IF formula would have to be deleted which I don't want as the information tends to move up and down the table or be edited. Is there anyway for me to have it so that when it is returned with a blank cell that it can be written in without it removing the IF function?

1 Reply


Can you have IF functions produce blank cells which can be written in without removing the IF?

Basically No

...but you can merge formula and text in one Excel cell.

In the text box, you must enclose the desired formula in quotation marks and the "&" character.

For example, to insert the invoice amount and the tuition tax directly into a text field, enter this formula:

="In the invoice amount "&TEXT(A1,"0,00")&" EUR are 5% tuition tax ("&TEXT(A1/105*5,"0,00")&" EUR) included."

In this example, the invoice amount is in cell A1.

Under no circumstances should you forget the "TEXT" function, as this first rounds the result from 13 to two decimal places.

Using the example, you now get the following text:

"The invoice total of EUR 2,500.00 includes 5% study tax (EUR 119.05)."


Additionally if I may recommend :)

Welcome to your Excel discussion space!


Hope I was able to help you with this info.



I know I don't know anything (Socrates)