Jul 13 2023 03:06 PM
I am currently using the formula DATEDIF to caculate years/months/days of employment. I am using a workbooks for reporting purposes that is turned in quarterly. The formula currently calculates to "TODAY" instead of an end date cell. How do I specify what "today" is? For example Q2 is April, May, June due end of July and I want to show length of employment on April 30th, May 31st, and June 30th for each month's individual workbook. I have tried searching online for a formula variation but was only able to find formulas where there is an end date cell. These are all current employees so I can't use an end date. Unfortunately because it is a state program the workbooks do have drop down date ranges just no specific date or I would have just used that. For reference here is the formula I am currently using.
=DATEDIF(D14,TODAY(),"y") & " Years, " & DATEDIF(D14,TODAY(),"ym") & " Months, " & DATEDIF(D14,TODAY(),"md") & " Days"
Jul 13 2023 08:20 PM
@CV2023 Cell E10 links to an external sheet for February 2023. The cell, oddly enough displays the reporting period, Month/Year, to be "February 1 - 28/29" being Month 1 through 28 or 29. without mentioning the Year.
Can't you change the source cell (E9 in the external sheet) to a real month-end date February 28, 2023. E10 will then also be a real date that you can then custom as mmmm/yyyy so that it displays February/2023. Now refer the DATEDIF function to $E$10 rather than to TODAY()
Jul 13 2023 08:39 PM