Build https link within formula using Cell value

Copper Contributor

Using Excel Online.


I am pulling information into sheets in my current workbook from a separate excel file via web link:


A2=IFERROR(' Documents/Driver/[2021-10-10-4126 - Sheets.xlsx]Trip Expenses Sheet'!$A81, "")


The above link pulls the information I am looking for perfectly.  I am trying do a bit of future proofing.  I would like to get part of my link from an adjacent cell that contains the date portion of my link:


A2=IFERROR(' Documents/Driver/[A4-4126 - Sheets.xlsx]Trip Expenses Sheet'!$A81, "")


Tried to simply concatenate onto the link, but Excel says that there is an error in my formula:


A2=IFERROR(" Documents/Driver/["&A4&"-4126 - Sheets.xlsx]Trip Expenses Sheet"!$A81, "")


Any thought/help welcome

5 Replies




=IFERROR(" Documents/Driver/["&TEXT(A4,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"-4126 - Sheets.xlsx]Trip Expenses Sheet"!$A81, "")

@Hans Vogelaar 




Still giving the same error....Excel is highlighting this section when I hit OK:

=IFERROR(" Documents/Driver/["&TEXT(A4,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"-4126 - Sheets.xlsx]Trip Expenses Sheet"!$A81, "")



I don't know anything about SharePoint; I hope that someone else can help you.

Not sure that sharepoint is at original link above works perfectly.
I was just hoping to be able to use a cell's value as the date portion of the link so that I can have the link change based on the value of the date cell (A4)