Besoin d'aide pour les formules

Copper Contributor
Bonsoir à tous.
J'ai besoin d'aide sur comment protéger ou masquer des formules sur excel.....
4 Replies


To protect, go to the Review tab and select Protect Sheet. Check the items you want to protect or just let it default. Put in a password or don't. For hiding formulas, you can go to the View tab and deselect the formula bar under "show", or you can hide an entire column or row, if that's what you meant.



Il existe différentes manières d'obtenir des cellules / colonnes / certaines zones / feuilles de calcul / etc. peut verrouiller. Voici quelques informations en français (traduit de google).

Verrouiller ou déverrouiller des zones spécifiques d’une feuille de calcul protégée


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Je sais que je ne sais rien (Socrate)

Thanks you for your answer for me, but it's not exactly what I meant.
I whish to protect all expression in my sheet to avoid all modification offre them.
NB: I Try in English please
There are many different ways to protect something in Excel, it depends on what exactly you want to protect.

I can not understand what you mean with "I whish to protect all expression in my sheet to avoid all modification offre them."

Is it not possible to view a worksheet (without sensitive data) so that it is easier for us to understand what you want and at the same time that you are offered the best possible solution?