Brass Contributor

Hopefully this is easy, but I just can't wrap my head around how long this formula (how many nested formulas) is going to be.


Have a table (not named, but could be if easier) on one sheet ("Gang Time") with column D blank and column E with a "sorting code". I need column D to look for the value in E on a different tab ("Total Labor"), column E, also (table it's looking in is A1:M5000). Then it needs to look at column K for "Regular Worked Hours", then in Column L and only return the value if it is greater than 3 and less than 13. The value returned needs to be added up for all matching sorting codes and return the average to 2 decimal places.

So, if col E on "Gang Time" = 5, col D should average all "5's" in the table on "Total Labor" that are Regular Worked Hours between 3 and 13. 


Confusing enough? I'm assuming it's an IF(VLOOKUP,(IF(VLOOKUP,(IFVLOOKUP.......)))))))))

Thanks in advance.

4 Replies
Can you post some sample file? It will help us to assist you faster.
added. Thank you
best response confirmed by RandomPanda (Brass Contributor)

Figured it out in case anyone else needs to know. I used "AVERAGEIFS" with several criteria and added rounding at the beginning to make my pivot table look better without having 47 decimal places.
=IFERROR(ROUND(AVERAGEIFS('Total Labor'!L:L,'Total Labor'!L:L,"<13",'Total Labor'!L:L,">3",'Total Labor'!K:K,"Regular Worked Hours",'Total Labor'!E:E,E10),2),0) --added error handling so if a department didn't work on that day (Saturdays, mostly) my Pivot Tables wouldn't show #DIV/0

Where I am averaging all Regular Worked Hours between 3 and 13 (removing outliers) for each department number. Table of information is on sheet "Total Labor", Hours to average are in column L. Column K contains Pay Code (i.e. Overtime, Regular Worked Hours, Vacation, etc.) and the department number is in column E.

Ok, this worked in my original file. But now, corporate has made a bunch of changes to how my payroll file downloads and I needed to create a new file. There are a lot more criteria now.

Here's the setup:

3 worksheets: 1. raw data, 2. formula(s) 3. Listing

Raw data (wksht 1) contains:

Date (col A) / Location (col B) / Work Center (col G) / Pay Code (col L) / Hours (col M) - plus a bunch of other columns, but these are the necessary ones


Listing (wksht 3) contains:

Work Center (col A) / Cost Center Description (col D) - 


Formula contains:

<formulas start in row 7>

VLookup to Work Center number ("Listing col A") - in Column A

VLookup to Work Center description ("Listing col B") - in Column B

nested IF/VLookup/IFERROR/AverageIfs - in column C (to be copied to columns D-G. These are days of the week)

Days of the Week (Date) is in row 7 of column C-G


Formula is trying to do several things:

a. Based on "Listing / Cost Center Description" use a particular cell on current worksheet

b. If "Listing / Cost Center Description" matches a particular description AND matches a particular Work Center number - then I need to get the Average of "regular worked hours, between 3 and 13 for the date (in row 7)" from the Raw Data worksheet. This is incorporating the "averageifs" formula that works like a charm from my previous post.


Here is the formula I used - so far I haven't incorporated the part about matching the date because I was just trying to get the average to work. And I don't have all the options in there yet, so "N A F" is "not accounted for" - which means this is getting a LOT longer. But, one step at a time.

Sample file attached


=IF((VLOOKUP($A7,'WORK CENTERS'!$A$2:$D$72,4)="DES MOINES-ANIMAL FOOD"),0,IF(VLOOKUP($A7,'WORK CENTERS'!$A$2:$D$72,4)="DES MOINES-HARVEST",IF(VLOOKUP($A7,'WORK CENTERS'!$A$2:$D$72,1)="100009",IFERROR(ROUND(AVERAGEIFS('Stamp Download'!$M:$M,'Stamp Download'!$M:$M,"<13",'Stamp Download'!$M:$M,">3",'Stamp Download'!$L:$L,"Regular Worked Hours",'Stamp Download'!$E:$E,$A7),2),0),C$1),IF((VLOOKUP($A7,'WORK CENTERS'!$A$2:$D$72,4)="DES MOINES-CUT"),C$2,"N A F")))


1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by RandomPanda (Brass Contributor)

Figured it out in case anyone else needs to know. I used "AVERAGEIFS" with several criteria and added rounding at the beginning to make my pivot table look better without having 47 decimal places.
=IFERROR(ROUND(AVERAGEIFS('Total Labor'!L:L,'Total Labor'!L:L,"<13",'Total Labor'!L:L,">3",'Total Labor'!K:K,"Regular Worked Hours",'Total Labor'!E:E,E10),2),0) --added error handling so if a department didn't work on that day (Saturdays, mostly) my Pivot Tables wouldn't show #DIV/0

Where I am averaging all Regular Worked Hours between 3 and 13 (removing outliers) for each department number. Table of information is on sheet "Total Labor", Hours to average are in column L. Column K contains Pay Code (i.e. Overtime, Regular Worked Hours, Vacation, etc.) and the department number is in column E.

View solution in original post