Automatic reference number for multiple ranges

Copper Contributor

Hi there,


I am currently putting a sheet together and I need to generate automatic reference numbers that are linked to particular companies. So when you type in your company, I need it to find the previous invoice for that particular company and then generate a new number.


E.g. Row A you type in McDonald's, and then in row B it will give you a new invoice/reference number specific to McDonald's.


If possible I would like the ref no. to be FR"Company no.""New number". So if McDonald's was company 5 and there had been 12 invoice numbers to date, the new number would be FR05.13?

4 Replies


How do we determine that McD is company #5?

Maybe the company number could be its position in a UNIQUE list of co.


Using @Peter Bartholomew's idea (thanks!), see the attached workbook.


That's great thanks so much @Hans Vogelaar & @Peter Bartholomew!


Massive help!