Autofill excell

Copper Contributor

İ want to autofill columns like this

first columns =ba bo bu

Second =ca co cu

third =da do du


All consonats +a,o,u

up to =za zo zu 

Can you help me for this is this possible 



5 Replies


To autofill the columns in Excel using the pattern you describe (as far as I understand it), you can use a combination of formulas and the Fill Series function.

Here is a step-by-step guide (example file is included):

  1. In the first column, enter the starting value "ba" in cell A1.
  2. In cell A2, enter the following formula:

=IF(RIGHT(A1,1)="u", CHAR(CODE(LEFT(A1,1))+1)&"a", A1)

This formula checks if the last character of the previous cell is "u". If it is, it increments the ASCII code of the first character by 1 and appends "a" to it; otherwise, it simply copies the value from the previous cell.

  1. Drag the formula in cell A2 down as far as you need. The pattern will be automatically filled.
  2. In the second column, enter the starting value "ca" in cell B1.
  3. In cell B2, enter the following formula:

=IF(RIGHT(B1,1)="u", CHAR(CODE(LEFT(B1,1))+1)&"a", B1)

This formula follows the same logic as in the first column but adjusts the cell references accordingly.

  1. Drag the formula in cell B2 down to autofill the pattern.
  2. Repeat the same process for the third column, starting with "da" in cell C1 and using the =IF(RIGHT(C1,1)="u", CHAR(CODE(LEFT(C1,1))+1)&"a", C1)

Drag the formula down to complete the pattern.

Now you have filled the three columns with the desired pattern using formulas. To continue the pattern up to "za zo zu," you can use the "Fill Series" feature:

  1. Select the three columns (A, B, and C) that contain the filled pattern.
  2. Right-click on the selected range and choose "Fill" from the context menu.
  3. Select "Series" from the submenu.
  4. In the Series dialog box, set the following options:
    • Series in: Columns
    • Type: Linear
    • Step Value: 1
    • Stop Value: "za"
  5. Click OK to apply the series filling.

The selected columns will now be filled with the desired pattern up to "za zo zu" using the "Fill Series" feature.

If I am wrong in my assumption of your project, I recommend inserting more detailed information about your project. If possible a file (without sensitive data) or photo/s with step-by-step (cell by cell) instructions. In addition, information about the available Excel version, operating system, storage medium, etc. would be beneficial to provide a more accurate solution proposal.


If you are on Excel 365 that could be

=CHAR(SEQUENCE(,25,98)) & {"a";"o";"u"}



I don't think there is an easy way to generate the consonants of the alphabet, so I would simply list them.

If you have Microsoft 365 or Office 2021, enter this formula in a cell:




It will automatically spill to 21 rows and 3 columns.

If you have an older version, select a range of 21 rows by 3 columns, for example A1:C21, enter the formula mentioned above and confirm it by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

@Hans Vogelaar 

The only it was request columns, not rows. We have to exchange an order in formula.

@Sergei Baklan 

Thanks, I hadn't noticed that.