Adding row in Excel

Copper Contributor
When trying to add a row to a large worksheet I’m getting the message “Microsoft Excel can’t insert new cells because it would push Jon-empty cells off the end of the worksheet….” I was adding several rows just before this and they mysteriously disappeared just before this occurred. I’ve tried several online suggestions. At one point I was able to add one row of info but now I’m back to square one. I am fairly new with excel and was starting to feel confident! Any help appreciated.
1 Reply
Hello Vherbert,

Perhaps you have a range of cells in or near row 1048576 or column XFD that are not empty. Examine these areas. If you are sure that cells near the bottom or right of your worksheet should be empty, then I would suggest highlighting all rows or column below or to the right of your data and deleting these cells. Be sure to unhide all hidden cells by pressing Ctrl + A twice and then right-clicking to Unhide cells.