Adding multiple date ranges.

Copper Contributor

I have multiple date ranges. (24/3/1988 to 23/5/1992, 15/3/1994 to 1/3/1995 , 14/11/1996 to 18/7/1998....) How to calculate the total time period in number of years, months and days in excel

4/12/2015 to6/2/2019 4 years,1 months,21 days
9/8/2010 to1/8/2012 1 years,4 months,0 days
5/3/2007 to3/4/2008 0 years,10 months,1 days
03/05/2004 to04/03/2006 1 years,10 months,1 days
  total  ??????
4 Replies
=Datedif(start_date,end_date,"y") =Datedif(start_date,end_date,"ym") =Datedif(start_date,end_date,"md") You may combine them into single formula as below. =Datedif(start_date,end_date,"y")& "Years "& Datedif(start_date,end_date,"ym")& "Months " & Datedif(start_date,end_date,"md")& "Days"

@Starrysky1988 this formula is for one range only. I want to get the total. For example

4/12/2015 to6/2/2019 4 years,1 months,21 days
9/8/2010 to1/8/2012 1 years,4 months,0 days
5/3/2007 to3/4/2008 0 years,10 months,1 days
03/05/2004 to04/03/2006 1 years,10 months,1 days
  total  ??????

total of those time periods

Please take note if you want to include start date and end date in the calculation(For e.g, 1 Jan 22 to 3 Jan 22 as total 3 days result), you must add 1 to Datedif formula when calculating the days difference.

If you want total of years, months and days, you'd better calculate with 3 columns of year difference, months difference and days difference without combining into single formula.

=Mod(Sum(All days),30)

=Mod(Sum(All months)+Quotient(Sum(All days),30),12)

=Sum(All years)+Quotient(Sum(All months)+Quotient(Sum(All days),30),12)


I'm not sure such logic works in general. Summing months and days separately depends on time scale you use, are leap years and months with 28,29, 30 and 31 days are inside. If take time scale from the beginning of Excel calendar that could be

  total, SUMPRODUCT($C$1:$C$4-$A$1:$A$4),
 DATEDIF(0,total, "y") & " years " &
 DATEDIF(0,total, "ym") & " months " &
 DATEDIF(0,total, "md") & " days")

but results very depends on from which start date you calculate total number of days difference in the periods.