Sep 07 2023 07:18 AM
In this spreadsheet I am wanting to have cell 8J update to the current date anytime the data in cell 8C is changed. Is there a simple formula for this without doing VBA codes?
Sep 07 2023 07:41 AM
If you want to enter the current date (or date and time) in J8 the first time C8 is filled, you can use a formula.
If you want J8 to change each time C8 is changed, you'd need VBA code.
Sep 07 2023 07:48 AM
Sep 07 2023 08:07 AM
Right-click the sheet tab.
Select 'View Code' from the context menu.
Copy the following code into the worksheet module:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' Add or remove cells as needed, separated by commas, for example "C8,C15,C22"
Const Cells2Watch = "C8"
Dim Rng As Range
If Not Intersect(Range(Cells2Watch), Target) Is Nothing Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each Rng In Intersect(Range(Cells2Watch), Target)
If Rng.Value = "" Then
Range("J" & Rng.Row).ClearContents
Range("J" & Rng.Row).Value = Date
End If
Next Rng
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
End Sub
Switch back to Excel.
Save the workbook as a macro-enabled workbook (*.xlsm).
Make sure that you allow macros when you open the workbook.
Sep 07 2023 08:41 AM