A suppliers inventory file that needs to be modified to my exact store file in order to update

Copper Contributor

Hello Everyone,


As you will soon find out  I'm a complete newbie to Excel. I have been tossed into the deep end. Here is what I'm trying to accomplish.


1.) I have a supplier who has granted me access to their sftp server in order to have access to an inventory update file that is updated every 2 hours. I will be downloading this file twice a day (for now) for the updated data.


2.) I need to update my file that I download for my store with the updated supplier inventory data.


3.) Each (my inventory and my supplier inventory) file has different information some which I need and some that I do not. ( once I have downloaded my supplier file can I setup Excel to remove those columns of data that is not needed and to leave what  I do need. ( Maybe a script or action etcc) 


problem: The updated file that will be uploaded to my store MUST be formatted and must contain the exact data (just updated) exactly as it is when it was downloaded. otherwise Im told it will fail. 


4.) I must do this atleast twice a day untill I can have it run and update on its own some how..


I have a headache just writing it out.  Sorry


Thanx for atleast looking



1 Reply



after some investigating I came across power queries, I believe this may help