Using MSI command to install Edge v88 produces 2 entries in Control Panel

Copper Contributor

I am trying to install Microsoft Edge using command line.


If I just double click the Enterprise MSI and have it go through, then the control panel shows 1 entry of Microsoft Edge. I am able to uninstall it without issues.

If I try to run this command:


or this:

msiexec /i MicrosoftEdgeEnterpriseX64.msi  DONOTCREATEDESKTOPSHORTCUT=True /qn

I get 2 entries in Control Panel:


If I try to uninstall the "2nd" entry I get this error:


In order for me to uninstall it, I first have to repair it, then I can uninstall it.

I am an admin on this test machine.


If I run this command msiexec /i MicrosoftEdgeEnterpriseX64.msi /qn, then only 1 entry but i have a desktop icon.

I am not sure why this is happening


1 Reply


No issues here on Windows 7

you could use start /wait instead msiexec /i to make sure the installation is complete before returning