Feb 04 2020 11:06 PM
I am just testing with Beta 80.0.361.45 and V80 GPO
Finaly the "add profile" Button is away.
But wait. The problem is not solved. Users can still delete their Profile. And guess what. After that its not a new Profile named Profile 1 in folder User Data\Default.
Its Profile 2 in User Data\Profile 1
So the problem i need to solve with this is still there. I still dont have a fixed folder named User Data\Default i can manage in profilemanagment.
Before i can rollout on Terminalserver it has to be completly impossible that there is an other path than User Data\Default.
Feb 05 2020 01:00 AM
Do you get the option to remove/delete the profile?
With v79.0.309.71 I don't
As you can see only edit.
Feb 05 2020 01:38 AM
Feb 05 2020 05:39 AM
So I just installed BETA v80.0.361.45 and I get the following:
I can screenshot my GPOs if you wish.
Kind regards.
Feb 05 2020 11:20 AM
@Joachim_T You could try to work around the problem with VMware UEM (Immidio flexprofiles) or similar tools. Shouldn't be too hard at first sight.
Native solution would we a lot neater though.
Feb 05 2020 07:19 PM
We use Citrix profile manager. And there is no way around if the folders are floating into unknown spheres.😋
Feb 05 2020 07:26 PM
Looks like you sign in to an account in edge. We don’t do this. I think that’s the difference.
Apr 17 2020 03:20 AM
@Joachim_T We have a similar issue. Opened another thread about that topic: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/enterprise/local-profile-remove-issue/m-p/1315317#M1676 and also created a Microsoft Support Request to address this issue.
Apr 21 2020 01:43 AM - edited Apr 21 2020 01:44 AM
@stesch79 We have also an support issue open at MS, we ran into the same thing yesterday while testing.
Last week we had no issue, and now: