How to check correct version of Edge Chromium

Copper Contributor


I've installed Edge Chromium on my PC but when I run below command, it's reflecting that Edge Legacy is installed How do I reflect Edge Chromium version? Please advise

PS C:\> Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach Version 44.18362.449.0

PS C:\> Get-AppxPackage -Name "Microsoft Edge" | Foreach Version PS C:\>

Thank you


8 Replies

@zerphyr Hello!  Would it be possible for you to check the version using the browser settings or is there a specific reason to use PS?  Here is some information from our FAQ





@Kelly_Y, I'm using PS to check on remote users on the version. When I run PS on my PC, it's reflecting as above although the version on my PC is reflecting the correct Edge Chromium version

@zerphyr the Get-AppxPackage Cmdlet shows only Appx-Apps.


Use WMI with PowerShell as follows, to get regular Installed Software-Packages:

PS C:\Users\gunnar> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | where Name -Like "*Edge*"

IdentifyingNumber : {DCF62978-E764-38B6-8D70-FD4BFF0EDEE5}
Name              : Microsoft Edge
Vendor            : Microsoft Corporation
Version           : 87.0.664.60
Caption           : Microsoft Edge

IdentifyingNumber : {ECEB079C-D6D8-3840-BA5B-19267156E2FF}
Name              : Microsoft Edge Dev
Vendor            : Microsoft Corporation
Version           : 89.0.723.0
Caption           : Microsoft Edge Dev

IdentifyingNumber : {15DFC7CC-865D-3F20-A979-A7EF2F505E31}
Name              : Microsoft Edge Beta
Vendor            : Microsoft Corporation
Version           : 88.0.705.18
Caption           : Microsoft Edge Beta
@Gunnar, thank you for the details
Windows PowerShell
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PS C:\Users\7036419> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | where Name -Like "*Edge*"
PS C:\Users\7036419>
Below is the message when I run the command
I'm currently replying to the message using Edge Chromium



I have no idea why your  Win32_Product WMI-Class doesn't contain Edge.

There could be two options:

  1. Your Win32_Product WMI-Class doesn't work at all, to check this remove the where-Filter and just list all installed Product. The List should match your Control-Panel => Software List.
  2. You haven't installed any MSI-Version of Edge, does it show up in Control-Panel => Software?

@Gunnar Haslinger, thank you for the details. The installer is based on exe for Edge and not msi

Does it mean that it's not able to detect if exe installer was used instead of msi? If that is correct, I'll proceed to reinstall using msi installer

This command works for getting Chromium based Edge version:
PS C:\> (Get-AppxPackage -Name "Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Stable").Version

@zerphyrIf you know the .exe file location, you can just use Get-Item to get the version of Edge


(Get-Item "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion

Outputs "107.0.1418.35" for me