Edge - IE Compatibility Mode in Windows 11 vs Windows 11

Copper Contributor

I have a legacy website that uses java. On machines running windows 10 with Java installed, the site runs fine in IE compatibility mode. However, it will not run on a windows 11 machine in IE compatibility mode configured the same way. Note, it is not java script - java script is turned on.  Is there something missing/not allowed in Edge on Win 11 that is there/allowed in Edge on Win 11?  I understand the need to rewrite these older sites - this is currently underway, but this particular site is still critical.

5 Replies
Hi there,

If it helps, we have a legacy site that uses Java at our org as well. On the one Win11 PC I've set up so far, IE Mode works the same as it did on Win10 for that site as far as I can tell.


@AndrewSAIF Does your site use applets?  I've done everything I can think of - how is your Win 11 machine configured?  Are you running the site in IE Compatibility Mode?

The site does use applets. I have IE Mode configured and the site is on our IE Mode XML. It is also on our intranet sites list, which is set to run in compatibility view (IE).

The Windows 11 machine receives the same group policy as our Windows 10 machines, and I installed 11 as an in-place upgrade.


@AndrewSAIF  Can you tell me what IE XM L is?  Are you saying that you installed Internet Explorer 11 on the win 11 machine?

The IE Mode XML is used to specify which sites will load in IE Mode within Edge:
