Aug 11 2021 08:16 AM
For small teams that don't need all of the overhead of an M365 Group, a Teams Chat group and a shared folder in OneDrive can be a viable solution. As per my post title - when would a Team outgrow OneDrive for collaboration purposes?
How many files would be too many for OneDrive? How many group members would be too many? I am trying to find a clear and objective line to draw in the sand.
Aug 30 2021 04:23 AM
Aug 30 2021 05:49 PM
@TerenceRabe1 My further 2 cents here... a Champions program is normally not a replacement for a collaboration contract. We incorporate this best practice in a good deal of what we do but sometimes call it "team operating agreement" or "How We Do Stuff". It should be noted the latter is the most popular 🙂
Every team is different. In my teams I try to avoid group chats, stay in the channel in Teams and keep files there too if only - as the manager and member in a great many teams - for me to easily find thing later. However, when I'm a member of another team and not the owner I have to play by that team's rules which could include email for conversations, OneDrive sharing for documents or even other tools not in the Microsoft stack when I work with customers.
SO, it's really important when you start a team to get clear on "how we do stuff" for the sanity of all involved! These agreements are underneath the organizational best practices that are evangelized by MOCA, Matt Wade and others. I've found it useful to have flexibility within the norm so teams can truly be productive rather than always having to "think" of how to do the thing!
Aug 30 2021 11:56 PM
@Karuana_Gatimu_MSFT - thanks for the additional insight... definitely worth more than 2c!
I agree that a Champions program is not a replacement for a Collaboration contract or vice versa. I could maybe have articulated my original mention of it a bit better... that a contract is a tool that Champions could consider using within their program.
It's also good to be reminded to be pragmatic and empathetic in applying the How We Do Stuff code; I tend to be a bit too "rules is rules!"
Sep 01 2021 06:08 AM
@Karuana_Gatimu_MSFT Thank you for that clarification. That makes more sense. The "How we do stuff" in Teams might have to be reiterated as the team changes members, though. But that is part of what MOCA sets out.
Sep 01 2021 07:24 AM
Sep 01 2021 11:56 PM
@Shaun Jennings - The Wiki tab in each team can be used to document the HWDS (How We Do Stuff) agreement; when a new member joins the team the team owner can walk them through it and make sure they understand and agree to it. For something a bit more flexible and visually engaging you could put the HWDS info in a SharePoint page (or OneNote) and surface that in a tab in the Team.
Sep 02 2021 06:44 AM
Great idea! Along those lines, another option worth considering is to record a quick How We Do Stuff video with Stream and make it available on a tab in the team's General channel. You might even consider making How We Do Stuff videos for individual channels within a team, depending on how things might vary per channel.