Jul 20 2023 11:29 AM
I think it used to be http://aka.ms/teaservideo but that is a dead URL. I'd like to reuse one already make instead of spending the $$ to make a custom one. This would be to build hype/buzz about the upcoming rollout. Thx.
Jul 20 2023 04:47 PM
@Lou_Mickley I usually trawl through the Microsoft 365 YouTube channel or the Support Pages and Adoption hub. Were there specific aspects of M365 you wanted to target?
Jul 21 2023 03:59 AM
@HelloBenTeoh - a 30,000 foot view of the cool functionality coming to the users by adopting the MSFT cloud and apps. 2-3 minutes on new functionality, better interface (SPO), easier collaboration, etc.
Aug 02 2023 12:57 AM
SolutionSep 12 2023 12:47 PM
@Karuana_Gatimu_MSFT - thanks Karuna! - this is a good video for that M365 big picture overview to users.
Aug 02 2023 12:57 AM