Aug 10 2017 11:50 AM
I thought I might share this video that I recorded about how to Drive Adoption. The topic is specifically around OneDrive for Business, but it really applies to multiple areas. I hope you find it informative and enjoyable.
Aug 14 2017 12:13 AM
Thanks for sharing David and nice comparison with the military world.
I'm currently encouraging people to use OneDrive and what I notice is that 'rogers innovation theory' kind of applies here. Some innovators and early adopters are immediately on to using OneDrive and don't use their personal file shares any more. I estimate that the early majority will be encouraged to using OneDrive once early adopters (champions) tell them about it / they visit a 'Why OneDrive' presentation.
But I wonder when will the best time be to disable the file share?
Besides technical issues ( IT in the company also uses personal file share to store favorites, quick links on desktop and sync doesn't work properly in their IT environment ) many people still rely on their personal file share.
Aug 14 2017 05:44 AM
SolutionAug 14 2017 05:44 AM