Why are we encouraging Google Chrome Web Store extensions on the extensions page?

Bronze Contributor

Hi there,

Microsoft Edge is getting amazing every day. It has its own extension store now, which is populated with a good number of extensions, and growing everyday.

My question here is that since some builds, the extension page started mentioning to get extensions from the Chrome Web Store as well:




What I personally think is that it will hurt the extension store of Microsoft Edge in competition. Plus I already read an article by ZDNet, so it may end up somewhere else.

What are your take on this? Any plan to change this behavior?

7 Replies
Well, Google has to get their hands in somewhere. Can't plant spying code on your system if they aren't allowed in Edge Chromium coding....


It shows how kind is Microsoft to other tech giants. Even if this feature is for the reliability of the users, then also Microsoft makes a link to Google web store on their extensions page which is not profitable for Microsoft. If this was in the case of Google, they would have never done this and on all of their websites, they will have a window popping showing that the user should switch to Chrome making their own profit.

I totally get what you're saying. But the point is that promoting Chrome Web Store as a link will intrigue people more to directly get the extensions from Chrome Web Store and not Microsoft Store, which will not be beneficial.
+1 for op, but tbh I prefer chrome webstore over Microsoft's as former one have a vast vast library of extensions. But I don't like the idea to link google's webstore in Microsoft store.

@Rohit Yadav 

I guess the main problem was that Microsoft store didn't had extensions. So they at least offered link to Google. Other way people would just use Chrome, not Edge, if they depend on some extension.
That's not kindness of any sort, that's just reality. And I guess that link will go away after Microsoft will have enough extensions on their store. 

@Rohit Yadav good question, the recommended one is always get everything from edge store and that is why it big button. However, because Microsoft Edge extensions are not as much as Google Chrome, you see option to get it from Chrome Store so if user didn't find what they want from Microsoft Edge store, they could get it from Google Web Store. I heard this from users that they are using extension but it is not available in Microsoft Edge , so I have to ask them to get it from Chrome Web Store. I believe soon Microsoft Edge store will fill with cool extensions where we don't need to relay on Chrome Web Store.

I hope this behavior is changed. It hurts the extension store of Microsoft Edge. People already know that Edge supports those set of extensions, so they can already go to the Web Store and get those. One more extensions populate there, that link can be removed.

I'm sure we don't want Google's link there for the Web Store.