Where can we report an Edge crash?

Copper Contributor

Hello -

We have experienced a crash with Edge.  There is a dumpfile showing exception: 0x80000003 (STATUS_BREAKPOINT)


The version of Edge is 106.0.1370.47, the OS version is 10.0.19044


The crash happened when we used a .NET framework call System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(url).


I would like to submit this crash and dumpfile so that Microsoft is aware of the problem.


Thank you.

Robert Cohn

3 Replies

@rcohn Hello,Cohn!I think you can report your problems in the following ways.

1.Use the "Send feedback" feature that comes with Edge.

first point.jpg

2.Use the Feedback Center app that comes with Windows 10 computers to report your problems.

Please find this icon in the Start menu. ( If you're using a Windows 10 PC )

↓     ↓     ↓

Second point-1.png 

Second point.jpg  ←  ←  ←The interface of this application is shown on the left.

3.Visit this website for help.   Microsoft Support 


I hope these suggestions can help you!May you keep happy!



@Andy_Pang - thanks very much for the info!  I'll send back a description of the problem and a dump file that my colleague captured.

Best regards.

@rcohnYou're welcome. Have a nice day!

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