We received 2 Canary updates in the same day!


I don't recall it happened before, ever. earlier today/yesterday (since we're close to midnight), we received Canary update Version 81.0.411.0 

after few hours, I accidentally went to the Edge about page and saw a new update was available again!

Version 81.0.413.0 (Official build)


surprisingly, each of the two updates brought new features with themselves.

1, 2, 3


I hope this happens more often!

2 Replies

Thanks @HotCakeX 

I'm just curious how do you know the changes after each Canary update? Is there a changelog somewhere similar to the Dev EDGE updates?

Yw, there's no change logs but you can visually (visual memory) tell what's changed and what's added/removed by revisiting parts of the Edge browser interface and also the edge://flags/ section :)