Super Disappointed Forced Use of Bing w/Edge Visual Search

Copper Contributor

There is a good reason my default search engine is Google: It has results that Bing doesn't find, especially images.


99 times out of 100 I get no matches when using Visual Search on an image. OTOH, if I drag it to the desktop and then drag it to Google Images, it's usually the 1st result and, most of the time, there's at least 4 or more with that.


PLEASE change this back to "Search the web for..." and use whatever the system's default browser is. Or, at the very least, give us the ability to specify which provider we want for Visual Search.


(Yes, I have submitted this as feedback several builds now.)


If you are going to force Bing on us then include the same abilities to enter text, set date ranges, limit websites for results, etc, that Google has. 


Another helpful add: Report items not found in Bing that Google has no trouble finding in the first few/first page of results.

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